Image Credit: Pinterest
This letter is going to be short. Really short. I promise. 🤞🏾
Yesterday, it occurred to me that I am not a thankful enough person and as I go on in life, I need to be more aware of the abundance of wealth present in my life.
And when I say wealth, I mean you, reading this letter. 🖤
If you have an email address in 2022, by default, it means you receive tons of emails everyday. And of those many emails, you choose to open this one. I do not take it for granted.
Yesterday, I sent out a post where I opened up about the doubts that had started to creep into my head, the negative opinion of a random person that weighed heavily on my chest, the crippling fear of failure, and the overpowering belief that I was not enough.
I pushed it out, hoping to receive a small amount of support but the overwhelming level of encouragement was definitely not what I expected. I was sent uplifting messages on social media, in my DMs, via Whatsapp and I even got called (and that’s saying a lot because people don’t call me LOL).
I felt seen, appreciated and reminded of my worth.
I guess the point of this letter is to let you know that when you find yourself in a dark place, it’s okay not to have the mental strength to pull yourself out and to rely on others for help.
Lastly, as a Nigerian, I am aware that vulnerability might be hard for many of us (especially for people that easily feel like a ‘burden’ to others) but I urge you to open up. Share your pain with someone other than yourself and you just might be surprised at the support you’ll receive.
Don’t do it alone. You don’t have to. It will be okay, I promise.
You - reading this letter - are my inspiration to never give up. And I hope that you don’t too and you hang in there because I see you. The world sees you.
I love you. I really do. Thank you.
Yaaaaay!!! We're delighted that our Hauwa feels our love. We've gotten each other and we too love you back ❤️❤️❤️
Sending you lots of love ❤️❤️ Hauwa. You bring smile to my face and I don't take it for granted.