I dig every part of this letter. Because this was me...

My body developed slooooowwwwllllyyy. Painfully slow. And God that want to catch me, I had and still have miniature breasts..

Lord knows I struggled with this. Always noticing the 'ugly' things about myself.

How I was so tiny and everyone my age was in full bloom.

Mtchew! I just tortured myself in vain. Now in my mid twenties and nothing has changed body wise.

But I have received sense sha. Even though I still have days I feel 'ugly', my beautiful days tip the scale widely.

Thank you for this piece Hauwa.

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Thank you so much for this😩❤️

I love you

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Thanks for this newsletter hauwa. 🥂❤️

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I love this letter. Because I lived this.. throughout my secondary school days…. To make matters worse then… I woke up one morning and I was almost 6ft tall….. God…. The horror…. I was tall , skinny flat chested and no asset at all.. I woke up one morning after uni days and had to tell myself. You have to love yourself… no one would if you don’t. That was the beginning of my life as a young girl. Now I love every aspect of my body. I may not be perfect but I appreciate what God has given to me. And I work with it. Thank you so much for Your letters. Keep up the good work..

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The fact that the message was passed after genuinely laffing is the big deal. Hauwa thank you as always. I love you big time💞and trust m this is right for me directly for me o

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This hit so close to home, I wish more young girls would see this and learn to see their true beauty. Be happy in their skin and proudly live their best lives. Thank you Hauwa.

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Love , love this . Learning yourself to be honest is the best thing ever. Learning to !!not waiting for others to validate you. I often waive compliments , honestly because I don't actually believe them. And form I don't care ☺️

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Omooo, mine was my height 😩... I was taller than almost all my classmates(boys inclusive) back then and it was embaaaarraasing! I literally used to pray to God to remove even if it is like 4 inches, (I used to minus the length of heels in my head because I like “high shoes”... 🤣🤲🏽) Wo, long story short, that height (now 6”) and tiny body (I now have small nyansh and size 38 bra size 😂) is an asset today, don’t even get me started. I still have my days of “this or that could be better” but guuyyy, if I am not what I look like today, I have learnt overtime that I am perfect however and the love I shower on myself is most important. Every other one would come as a plus.

Thank you for always Huawa. 😘😘😘😘😘😘😘

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Thank you for this beautiful and amazing story. I sincerely hope that young ladies and women in general will begin to accept themselves for who they are.

Thank you Hauwa❤️

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💛 thank you so much for this

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This is beautiful. Really really

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I wish I knew all this as a teenager 😔 but glory to God my head don correct now 🤲🏽

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The way I just had flashback and I really really wanted to hold my old self and tell to stop crying in the toilet 😭😭

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This letter should be read by every teenage girl. Most of us have gone through phases of feelings of ugliness, seeking validation and lacking the attention we needed. My teenage years were "hmmm" so this story resonated fully with me. I'm quite sure it resonates with others too.

Thank you Hauwa

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Thank you so much Hauwa. I've suffered with body dysmorphia for a while ago because of my weight and I've just started to learn how to love myself. So thank you very much

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I can relate to this so bad.

Back in my secondary school days i was so skinny and i got called all types of names. It hurt so bad i made my parents take me to a dietitian to make sure i gained weight before i resumed.

I eventually added in all the right places but the fear of being called skinny remained with me

It took a long time for me to get over myself and love my body because even when people told me the liked my body i thought they were mocking me and sometimes my heart still skips a beat if i feel i lost a bit of weight 😅

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