Oh, Hauwa. 🥺

Thank you for sharing this part of you with us. It’s not always fun and giggles and it’s hard to talk about the dark days.

I could relate with every word, every emotion, and I just want to say I’m sorry it’s been so dark lately. I’m rooting for you, baby girl. I know the light will shine soon, and your thoughts will go back to being crazy, wild, happy. You deserve much more.

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I left home immediately after my project defense back in January because I couldn't stand the bickering.

At times it feels like a mistake but at least I know I'm all I have and I can hear myself clearly.

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Hi, Hauwa.

Thank you for sharing this. It made me feel seen and heard.

This is my reality.

I am losing my mind, have been for a couple of months, but I have decided to pack my bag for the weekend.

Tomorrow after work, I am going to my Mum's.

I want to be a baby again.

I hope you also can always run home when life gets too much.

I love you.

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The truth is a family grounds you. With all their drama and chaos, it’s still life

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I left my family to live alone for University. I come back but it’s never the same. All those anger and frustrations I felt because my mum has a vendetta against close doors and is always in my space has morphed into nights where I wish she will hold me and tuck me as life is breaking me apart.

I miss her.

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Be recommending the music at the beginning of the newsletter please.

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Gosh I can relate to this. I used to be one that enjoy living alone but late last year and early this year was pretty hard for me. I got consumed with my thoughts and they were negative thoughts. I became fearful and scared of being alone that I had to run to my brother’s place. The same place I got tired of staying due to everyone being on my face. I appreciated the noise from the kids and the by force conversations from my brother. It helped to keep me sane for two months. However I had to go back to my place because no one owes you explanation in America. I had to rekindle my relationship with God because that period made me realize that I was so far from God and with the help of God, I overcame the fear and learning again to enjoy my solitude.

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Letting it out in a way that tells enough to make one feel, relate or imagine. Please keep on writing. Shorter pieces can be powerful.

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I just had to leave a comment. I’ve found myself crying a lot recently because I decided to grow up too fast. I left my family and my life at 17, and I started working and studying by myself. Being an adult is a stressful thing especially when you know you could’ve savoured your childhood a little bit more. When I feel alone, I just cry. I could cry for hours but one thing I know is, it’ll eventually be fine.

Thank you for sharing Hauwa🩷.

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Hi Wura! Just wanted to let you know that you are going to be fine even if everything may seem bleak at the moment. No matter how long the night may seem, morning will surely come and it'll be brighter than before.

Funny story, I was listening to an episode of Menisms podcast about millenials dating gen z late in the morning today, and something that caught my attention was what one of the hosts said about how gen zs always tend to want to live/grow fast. Truth is we should all try to bear our burdens in the time of our youth and also not forget to enjoy it. Live it one day at a time so as not to get overwhelmed in the future.

You are not alone, and whenever you are overwhelmed again with that feeling of loneliness, know that you have someone who's always watching over you 🤎

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Thank you so much🥹. It really helps to know that I’m not alone.

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Hauwa your thoughts are wilder than mine.🤣

Sometimes I wonder how you come up with stuff then I realize that you have to always be in your thoughts when you live alone.

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HAUWA…. are you stalking my life…🙃🙃🙃

This is so me right now and it’s just trying already… I wish I had someone I could just share tiny details of my activities with throughout the day.

But then, WE MEUVE✌🏾✌🏾


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This was a beautiful read. This morning I was complaining about how my siblings are always talking loud, especially when they know I'm sending a voice note to someone.

Honestly, it's annoying, but for someone who has stayed away from home for a while before, I understand that home is always the best. Everybody brings their spice and even if it's annoying from time to time, it's still the best.

I forgot this, but thank you for the reminder.

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Funny how I'm in bed reading this, but I sure have no intent of getting out of it soon, cos it feels so familiar. Thanks for this hauwa ❤️

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I love this read Hauwa🎉🥳You are always hitting the right spot❤️

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I ove this!! I love you too, for saying this out loud. Thank you.

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Hi Hauwa, I could resonate to everything in your letter. I hope you find yourself again and just a friendly reminder that YOU ARE AMAZING ❤️

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Actually liked it 😂😁

I love living alone by the way but I don't mind the occasional girlfriend visit 😜

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